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The RPSF team and our community was proud to deliver 3 new Decontamination Chambers for our fire fighters. By simply allowing an apparatus for our firefighters to use to remove heavy smoke and toxins from their skin and system after fighting fires, we can extend their possible time of service and help them live longer, more disease-free lives.
Project Scope: Purchase of 3 Decontamination Chambers to facilitate rapid removal of harmful particulate matter after exposure to heavy smoke and ash.
Goal: Extend the quality and length of the lives of our firefighters
Firefighters are:
- Twice as likely to develop mesothelioma
- 129% greater chance of dying from mesothelioma
- 62% greater chance of getting esophageal cancer
- 14% higher chance of dying from cancer
- From 2002 to 2019, cancer caused 66% of line-of-duty deaths for
career firefighters. Heart disease caused an additional 18%.